Cosmetic Dentistry in Roswell, GA

Cosmetic dentistry in Roswell

Cosmetic Dentistry

At-Home Teeth Whitening

For an easy, effective, and convenient way to brighten your smile and boost your confidence, there's no better solution than at-home teeth whitening. Over the course of a few weeks, you can lighten your smile by multiple shades, all from the comfort of your own home! At-home teeth whitening is also one of the most cost-effective cosmetic dental treatments, making it a great way to transform your smile without breaking the bank.

Cosmetic Dentistry

In-Office Teeth Whitening

Do you want to brighten your smile, but don't want to wait? Ditch the dingy stains and discoloration for a more luminous grin with in-office teeth whitening! In a single visit, you can whiten your teeth by up to eight shades. Whether you're preparing for an upcoming event or just looking for a way to bolster your self-esteem, teeth whitening is one of the most cost-effective cosmetic dental treatments, making it a simple and effective way to boost your confidence without breaking the bank.

Cosmetic Dentistry


If you feel insecure about your smile for reasons like chips, gaps, or discoloration, veneers can fix that and more. Veneers totally transform your smile to hide any cosmetic imperfections. They are expertly crafted from porcelain, a thin yet durable material, to attach to the front of your teeth. This gives you a natural, beautiful smile that you will feel confident in. If you are interested in learning more about the benefits of veneers, contact us and we will be happy to address any of your concerns.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Cosmetic Dentistry Safe?

Yes, cosmetic dentistry is perfectly safe. Cosmetic treatments not only improve the appearance of your teeth – but they can also repair tooth damage, cover exposed roots, make it easier to clean your teeth, and fix misaligned teeth. All of these issues can contribute to worsening oral health problems so cosmetic dental treatments can contribute to better aesthetics and oral health simultaneously.

Which Cosmetic Treatment Is Right for Me?

If you have no active oral health problems, but you’re concerned with the aesthetic of your smile or you have specific issues with your teeth, then cosmetic treatment treatments can help you achieve your dream smile.

Dental bonding can repair damage to your teeth, but it can also address other issues like completely reshaping the shape and size of your teeth, covering up discoloration, and closing gaps. Teeth whitening is used to lighten the shade of your teeth and you can do that in-office for a drastic, instant result or at home for a more gradual result with more convenience.

Veneers cover your natural teeth to give the appearance of perfectly white, uniform teeth that are the exact shape and size you’ve always wanted. Clear aligners correct the alignment of your teeth and correct misaligned bites.

Based on the description of these cosmetic treatments, you can figure out which one is best for addressing the specific issues you’re concerned with. A dentist can also make a recommendation during a consultation after examining your teeth.

Do Cosmetic Dental Procedures Hurt?

You never have to worry about being in pain for a cosmetic dental treatment. We will always numb your mouth with an anesthetic before performing any procedures that involve invasive techniques. Certain cosmetic procedures like dental bonding don’t require any local aesthetic. This is because the procedure itself is completely painless and doesn’t involve any drilling.

If you’re concerned about pain, sensitivity, or dental anxiety, we also offer dental sedation that can help you relax and eliminates pain sensation. This can be used in tandem with a local anesthetic for a supremely comfortable experience.

Am I a Candidate for Cosmetic Dentistry?

If you have any concerns about your teeth or overall smile, cosmetic dentistry is the perfect solution. When it comes to determining if someone makes a good candidate for cosmetic dental work, we consider a few things:

  • Are you in good oral health?
  • Do you have severe tooth damage?
  • Can cosmetic dental treatments address your concerns?
  • Do you have problems like discoloration, chips/cracks, gaps, or misshapen teeth?
  • Do you feel insecure with your smile?

If you’ve answered yes to a number of these questions, then it’s likely that cosmetic dentistry is the right choice for you! We can help you feel better about your smile so you can feel more confident and happier in your skin.